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Contact Info

Sig-I/O Automatisering

SIG-I/O Automatisering specializes in Unix and Linux system-management and consulting. SIG-I/O can help your company with daily system-maintenance, migrations, upgrades and performance-tuning. SIG-I/O works with and has knowledge of the following systems/products:

  • Linux (Redhat Enterprise, Centos, Debian, Ubuntu)

  • Ansible

  • Webservers (Apache, Nginx, Lighttpd, H2o, others)

  • Mailservers (Postfix, Courier, others)

  • Monitoring (Icinga, Nagios, Grafana, others)

Please contact us if you think SIG-I/O can help your organisation with it’s IT challenges

SIG-I/O Automatisering Windjammersingel 40 2496ZC Den Haag E-Mail: Phone: +31-6-58867992 KVK Den Haag: 27347646